Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today. 博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。
In this line of argument, questioning such a practice qualifies AS unnecessary and ridiculous, AS it benefits no one. 在这种论证思维下,质疑这样一个惯例被认为是没有必要的和荒唐的,对任何人都没有好处。
When he discovered that Stratos was making a lot of boards for TVs, Brad decides to follow this line of questioning. 当他发现Andy生产许多电视电路板时,Brad决定顺着这条线追问。
This line of questioning doesn't seem particularly relevant. 你问的问题和本案没有直接关系。
Being sensitive to others'feelings and sense of privacy will win more friends and influence more people than a reckless line of questioning. 敏感察觉对方的感觉及对隐私的注重,要比胡乱问一连串问题能使你赢得更多的朋友,也影响更多的人。
All right, well, this a perfectly legitimate line of questioning. 好的,对,这是完美的合法询问。
I assume you're going somewhere with this line of questioning? 我假设你这些问题能得到什么结果呢?